The Telecom industry keeps the world connected. Be it business, personal or social media, the use of telecoms networks and devices is a part of our lives every day, often without us really thinking about it. The advances in telecoms technology have made it possible to communicate and engage quickly and simply on a global basis.
In recent years, as technology has developed and our ability to communicate with the world has grown the threat landscape has changed and cyber-attacks, specifically against the telecom industry, are increasing. The Nigerian National Communications Commission has stated that cyber attacks are one of the biggest threats to the country’s telecoms sector.
The technology that enables this global communication is based upon highly complex and critical infrastructure. The implications of a successful large scale cyber attack on the telecoms sector are of national significance.
In line with global best practice, the new National Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy 2021 is clear that whilst Government will lead efforts to increase coordination of efforts to protect Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII), the private sector companies who own and operate the majority of it have to assume a high level of personal responsibility. The new strategy identifies 13 sectors of CNII and commits the Government to work with stakeholders for development of the necessary measures and strategic actions to assure the security of the CII systems, networks and physical infrastructure.
This is a link to the Nigeria's New Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy 2021.
This file contains posters, animations and logos. Use them to promote cybersecurity in your organisation.
This file contains some simple steps that you can take to protect yourself and others online.